Friday, September 02, 2005

Adopted by Aliens

We've decided to write a book for adoptive parents called "Adopted by Aliens". It'll be a humours take on this process..because frankly laughter is one of the rays of light we all share in this. And from what I've read in credible sources ( at the checkout line) the play by play bears more than a striking similarity. Baby is living the only life that it's ever known and then get whisked away and handed to odd smelling pale people with piercing blue eyes and put on a large machine and flown to a space staion and whisked up the lift tube to a berthing pod. you are fed strange food from tubes, forced to wear strange alien space suits -- including bottom encasing- vapor trapping undies. They flash strage lights at you and watching for responces. Test you with orbs. They record the results with strange decives and speak to each other in alien hisses and grunts. They pay undue attention to your bottom and a matter of fact, the final sharing your most private moment, defication, with them is your last hold out. Things go better when you get them laughing...the only defence you have is your powerful cute beam...which stuns them long enough for you to horde more toasted protien kibbles to eat after you make your escape. At least the got you those cute scooter pants and red checked shoes.

Current news: It's friday and we're packing for the move to Guangzhou now. Rough night last night and also a big day..I also want to do a musical called Wuhan Nights..but that's totally un-related. Lydia had a melt down last night. It was a big day because her and I bonded a bit more...mainly through me carrying her around...but also the dropping of stuff game and the ripping up of important documents game...good times...she also used a sippy cup and got oooo so much closer to walking. THen we all hit the wall and P and I started to try and lay some ground rules and well it all got ugly...up late with a screaming baby throwing a your own home you fell more comfortable holding the line against that stuff but in a hotel it's hard. So not much sleep. Tonight we pick our battles and go for the small steps...she's down with only medium fussyness levels. She sure is cute when she's not trying to get her way....which by the way we know she's entitled to a bit of as she's never had much to say about her life. But we have to start communicating our rythms and get papa a beer and do mama's taxes...hehe.


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